How To Host Multiple WordPress website

Given our experience using WordPress, we have perfected a reliable, secure, and scalable cloud that allows WordPress website of all sizes have the availability that they need for their target audience.

From small mom and pop websites to large 30,000 unique visitors a day websites, we host almost every type of customer you can imagine.  There is no WordPress install that is two large (or small) for our platform.

Our packages are also very affordable:

If you’re just getting started with your first WordPress website, go with our Basic.  It even comes with a free domain name to help you keep your costs low.

If you’re looking to host multiple WordPress websites, that require their own cPanel (highly recommended for security), then go with our Reseller.  Even if you don’t plan on reselling web hosting, this is a great way to keep all of your own WordPress websites secure and organized.

If you already have a popular WordPress website (over 2,000+ Unique a day) you should go with our Managed Servers.  They have been designed to give you the most flexibility in terms of dedicated RAM and CPU processing power.

Regardless of the package you choose, we can automatically upgrade you at any time, without downtime.  Simply submit a ticket and our techs will see that you have a pleasant upgrade experience.

With all of this said, we’ve put together a detailed video on How To Host Multiple WordPress Websites:

The Managed EzzyTech VPS has been built specifically for WordPress and we’re certain you’re going to love your experience with us.  If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or reach out to our team for a detailed answer.

We look forward to serving all of your WordPress Hosting needs!


EzzyTech Networks is known around the world as a leader in Reseller Hosting and Business Web Hosting.

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Saief Mahmud
Saief Mahmud

Saief is the founder and CEO of VernalWeb, a fast growing web hosting company. Saief is a digital marketing enthusiast. He's on a valiant quest to discover effective marketing strategies then share those secrets with VernalWeb users.

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